Top 5 Oldest Zoos in the World

5. Bristol Zoo 

Year Established: 1836 

Area: Bristol, UK 

Land Area: 12 acres (4.9 ha) 

Number of Animals: around 7,155 

Number of Species: around 419 

Bristol Zoo is the world's most seasoned commonplace zoo and was first open in 1836 by the Bristol, Clifton and West of England Zoological Society. Contrasted with a great deal of different zoos on this rundown, Bristol Zoo is tiny yet home to more than 7,000 creatures. A considerable lot of the first structures are as yet remaining at Bristol Zoo, however they have been repurposed as many are not, at this point appropriate to house creatures by present day principles. 

For a little commonplace zoo, Bristol Zoo accomplished many rearing firsts, including the principal dark rhino brought into the world in Britain in 1958, the main squirrel monkey brought into the world in imprisonment in 1953, and the primary chimpanzee brought into the world in Europe in 1934. 

4. Dublin Zoo 

Year Established: September 1, 1831 

Area: Phoenix Park, Dublin, Ireland 

Land Area: 69 acres (28 ha) 

Number of Animals: more than 400 

Number of Species: Unspecified 

The Dublin Zoo is a huge zoo situated in Phoenix Park in Dublin, Ireland that is committed to the preservation of various colorful and imperiled creatures from around the world. The zoo was set up in 1830 and planned by renowned English engineer Decimus Burton. The principal creatures brought to Dublin Zoo were given by the London Zoo. Like the London Zoo, the Dublin Zoo has been utilized to contemplate creatures since it was set up. The Dublin Zoo keeps up this custom today and is important for an overall program to raise jeopardized species. 

The absolute most jeopardized species housed at the Dublin Zoo are Rodrigues Fruit Bats, Golden Lion Tamirans, and Moluccan Cockatoos. 

3. ZSL London Zoo 

Year Established: April 27, 1828 

Area: Regent's Park, London, England 

Land Area: 36 acres (15 ha) 

Number of Animals: 19,289 

Number of Species: 673 

The ZSL (Zoological Society of London) London Zoo or simply the London Zoo opened on April 27, 1828, two years after the ZSL was set up. While the London Zoo isn't the most established zoo in general, it is the most seasoned logical zoo as the two more established zoos on the planet began as illustrious zoological gardens. 

For the initial not many years, the London Zoo was simply open to colleagues of the ZSL to examine the extraordinary creatures. To help subsidizing, the London Zoo was available to the general population in 1847. 

Throughout the long term, the ZSL London Zoo has been home to numerous remarkable examples, including the lone living quagga (presently terminated) at any point to be captured, and the additionally now wiped out thylacine or "Tasmanian tiger." 

2. Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes 

Year Established: December 11, 1794 

Area: Paris, France 

Land Area: 14 acres (5.5 ha) 

Number of Animals: around 1,200 

Number of Species: around 180 

Opened years and years after Tiergarten Schönbrunn, the Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes is the world's second most established zoo and the primary opened in France. The zoo is a piece of Paris' Jardin des Plantes (professional flowerbed) that opened route back in 1635. 

The Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes was set up because of the French Revolution. Fascinating creatures that were exclusive were seized and should be given to the Royal Menagerie in Versailles or stuffed. Nonetheless, the researchers let the creatures live and moved them to the Jardins des Plantes. After the Royal Menagerie was closed down, those creatures were likewise brought to the Jardins des Plantes. 

The entirety of the structures at the Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes are generally ensured structures, which makes extension/as well as remodels incomprehensible. This is the reason the zoo no longer has bigger creatures like elephants or giraffes. 

1. Tiergarten Schönbrunn 

Year Established: July 31, 1752 

Area: Vienna, Austria 

Land Area: 42 acres (17 ha) 

Number of Animals: Unspecified 

Number of Species: More than 700 

Tiergarten Schönbrunn has been in consistent activity since it opened on July 31, 1752, making it the most established zoo on the planet. The zoo was based on the sets of the then Holy Roman Emperor, Francis I, spouse of Maria Theresia, to fill in as a royal zoological display. Actually, the zoo is much more established as a little assortment of creatures had been kept at the site since 1540. Tiergarten Schönbrunn was not open to people in general until 1779 and at first had free confirmation. 

Despite the fact that Tiergarten Schönbrunn has nearly closed down a couple of times, the zoo some way or another figured out how to endure both World Wars and a monetary emergency during the 1980s. The zoo has been privatized since 1992 to help support its monetary circumstance. 

On 14 July 1906, Tiergarten Schönbrunn saw the introduction of the principal elephant in bondage.
